Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Patchwork Leather Bag

Tas patchwork yang cantik dari kulit sapi.Kreatif dan unik.

Harga Rp 800.000,00
(tidak termasuk ongkos kirim)

Pemesanan melalui Wayan Sumarni dengan nomor handphone 082145541735. Atau melalui teman perancis saya, Pitt dengan e-mail atau skype : pitthagore1. Bisa juga melalui e-mail saya, atau nomor handphone 085925050797.

The beautiful patchwork bag from cow leather.Creative and unique.

The price is 800,000 rupiahs
(the sending cost isn't included)

The order can be through Wayan Sumarni (the business owner) with handphone number 082145541735. Or to my French friend, Pitt with e-mail orskype : pitthagore1. Can be through my e-mail, or my handphone number 085925050797.

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