Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Dompet Kulit Ular Etnik Bali (Balinese Ethnic Snake Leather Wallet)

Dompet unik berwarna-warni dengan etnik Bali dari kulit ular piton.Bergaya etnik casual.
Harga Rp 500.000,00
(tidak termasuk ongkos kirim)
Ukuran 20x 11 cm

Sangat cocok sebagai souvenir dari Bali karena bermotif etnik Bali dan mudah dibawa.
Pemesanan bisa melalui e-mail saya, atau no handphone : 085925050797, atau langsung ke teman saya yang mendesain dompet unik ini, Pitt, atau skype : pitthagore1.

Unique colourfull wallet with Balinese ethnic style. It is made from python leather.Casual ethnic style.
The price is 500,000 rupiahs
(the sending cost isn't included)
The measurement is 20x 11 cm

Very fit as Balinese souvenir cause the design is Balinese ethnic and easy to bring.
The order can be through my e-mail, or my handphone : 085925050797, or dircetly to my friend who design this unique wallet,Pitt, or skype : pitthagore1.

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