Harga Rp 800.000,00
(tidak termasuk ongkos kirim)
Apakah anda wanita yang trendy dan modis? Segeralah pesan melalui saya, siscawiryawan@ymail.com atau handphone saya 085925050797, atau teman saya yang mendesain tas cantik ini, pitthagore@yahoo.fr atau skype : pitthagore1 (bicaranya pakai bahasa Inggris)
Jangan ragu-ragu. Ubahlah penampilan anda
This black leather bag is very fit for party. Or just for hanging out.
The price is Rp 800.000,00
(the sending cost isn't included)
Are you a trendy and modist female? Let's order by my e-mail,siscawiryawan@ymail.com or my handphone number 085925050797, or to my friend who designs this beautiful bag, pitthagore@yahoo.fr or by skype : pitthagore1 (speaking English)
Don't doubt. Change your grooming
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